Subaru EJ22-Overhaul manuals
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Short Desciption: Manual and the applicable service bulletins for all specification .... Note:
Refer to the service manual for the detailed step-by-step disassembly ...
Content Inside: Subaru 2.2 Liter Engine Subaru 2.2 Liter Engine End Wrench The 4 his edition of The End Wrench introduces the Subaru 2.2 liter naturally aspirated (N/A) and 2.2 liter turbocharged horizontally opposed overhead cam (OHC) engines. It reviews the mechanical features of these engines and the differences between Introduction existing engines. It also covers the procedures used in diagnosing and overhauling these engines. A list of applicable Important Notes and Cautions, Service Bulletins and Special Tools is included at the end of this article. Always refer to the appropriate model year Subaru Service Manual and the applicable service bulletins for all specification and detailed servicing procedures. T 2.2L Engine Identification The 2.2L engine designation is the sixth digit of the vehicle identification number (VIN). It is important to always first identify the engine before beginning diagnosis and servicing. Body type and transmission type, as well as the model year, are also information pertinent to engine diagnosis and servicing. This ..
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