Air Conditioning Systems manuals for Subaru
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Short Desciption: systems employed by the SVX and some Legacy models. Because of this great ....
All Legacy, SVX and XT6 vehicles use an idle air control valve to provide the ...
Content Inside: Subaru Air Conditioning Systems itio ond ir C A ver the years, Subaru air conditioning systems have taken many different shapes and sizes, from full manual, cable and vacuum-controlled systems like those found on Loyale models, to the fully automatic electronically controlled systems employed by the SVX and some Legacy models. Because of this great diversity in Subaru air conditioning systems, it would be impossible to tell you everything there is to know about every single Subaru air conditioning system in this edition of The End Wrench. O Introduction What we will do instead is to give you a cross-section summary of recent Subaru air conditioning systems. Well show you whats unique and different about each system, and describe the best troubleshooting and repair strategies for these systems. In compliance with government requirements, all Subaru vehicles manufactured within the past few years are equipped with R-134a air conditioning systems. But there are still a large percentage ...
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